Migration NEO or GAS from Neo Legacy to Neo N3

This tutorial will guide you through the process of migrating NEO or GAS from Neo legacy to Neo N3 using ONTO App.

Prepare Neo Legacy Wallet and Neo N3 Wallet

If you are a new ONTO user, download ONTO App, create ONT ID wallet and select Neo Legacy wallet & Neo N3 wallet on "Add Wallet" page.

Download ONTO App and Create ONT ID Wallet

If you already have ONTO App, please update it to the latest version, then follow the steps below to add Neo Legacy wallet & Neo N3 wallet.

  • Tap on the wallet name in the top left corner of "Assets" page or tap on "Manage wallets" on "Profile" page to open "Manage wallet" page

  • On "Manage wallets" page, tap on "···" button on the right of the wallet name

  • Tap on "Add Wallet"

  • Check pictures of Neo Legacy and Neo N3 and tap on "Confirm" button to add the wallets

Prepare NEO or GAS in Neo Legacy Wallet

Transfer NEO or GAS to your ONT ID wallet

Sending and Receiving Neo Assets

Or import other Neo wallet with NEO or GAS to ONTO App

Import, Export, Switch or Delete Single Chain Wallet

Migrate NEO or GAS from Neo Legacy to Neo N3

NEO is taken as an example here.

  • Tap on NEO on "Assets" page of the wallet you would like to migrate NEO from

  • Tap on "Migration" in the bottom left corner to open "Migration" page

  • Tap on the icon on the right of the "Address" bar

  • Choose the Neo N3 address you would like to migrate NEO to

  • Enter the amount of NEO you would like to migrate and tap on "Next" button

About Fee: If the asset to migrate is greater than or equals to 10 NEO/20 GAS, no fee is charged. Otherwise you need to pay 1 GAS as fee.

  • Confirm the transaction

  • After the transaction being verified, the asset will be sent to your Neo N3 address within one working day

About NEO bonus:

The token migration incentive program will run from September 1st until October 31st, offering bonus NEO tokens to users who migrate during this period.

September 1st - 14th: 1 NEO bonus per 100 migrated NEO in a single transaction.

September 15th - 30th: 1 NEO bonus per 134 migrated NEO in a single transaction.

October 1st - 31st: 1 NEO bonus per 200 migrated NEO in a single transaction.

Bonuses will be distributed manually within three days of completing your migration.

Last updated