
Navigate to the "Market" page to access the Bridge function in the ONTO App. ONTO utilizes a third-party bridge service provider, and typically, it takes 5-30 minutes to complete a bridge transaction.

Select a Token

  • To bridge a token, tap "Bridge", then tap the asset icon, and choose the token you want to bridge from

  • Select the blockchain network to bridge to


  • After selecting tokens, you can add them to your favorites by tapping the star icon next to “Enter an amount

  • You can then manage and view the tokens under the favorites tab on the Select Token page


  • When initiating a bridge transaction, enter the desired amount, and you can also select the maximum amount by tapping the address balance above

  • Approval might be required before swapping

  • Tap the “Approve” button

  • Then in the pop-up window, select the Approve Amount and confirm the transaction

  • View more about approve amount

Withdraw Tokens

  • To finalize a bridge transaction, a manual withdrawal operation is required

  • After initiating a bridge transaction, users need to go to the Transaction History page to withdraw tokens once the status changes from “Pending


  • To swap tokens, tap the “Swap Now” button, then confirm the transaction in the pop-up window

  • A “Success” message will be displayed on the page when the swap is completed successfully

Transaction History

  • To view transaction details, tap the clock icon at the upper right corner of the page to open the Transaction History page

  • You can then tap to view the details of your transactions

Last updated