Sending and Receiving Bitcoin

Add Bitcoin Wallet in ONT ID Wallet

Download ONTO App and Create ONT ID WalletAdd Chain Wallet in ONT ID Wallet

ONTO refresh balance of Bitcoin wallet at 4 (UTC) every day.

Import and Export Bitcoin Wallet

Bitcoin wallet can be imported and exported to ONTO using mnemonic phrases.

Importing/Exporting Wallet Private Keys and Mnemonic Phrases

Receive Bitcoin

On "Assets" page, left swipe over the asset to open the asset receiving page.

Or on "Assets" page, tap on the asset. Tap on the "Receive" button to open the asset receiving page.

Select "Copy" to copy the address.

You can share the address and QR code as a picture to social media by tapping on "Share".

You can set up a specific amount to receive with the "Fixed-amount transfer" feature. When a sender uses ONTO to transfer with the QR code you share, the default amount will be the amount you have entered.

Send Bitcoin

On "Assets" page, right swipe over the asset to open the asset sending page.

Or on "Assets" page, tap on the name of the asset. Tap on the "Send" button to open the asset sending page.

Enter the address and the amount, set the transaction fee using the slider, and tap on the next button to proceed. Input wallet password and then tap on the next button to complete the process.

Switch Bitcoin Address Type

On "Assets" page, tap on the name of the wallet. Tap on the icon on the right to open “Manage Wallet” page. On the “Manage wallets” page, click the ellipsis on the right side of the wallet to open the “Details” page, and select Bitcoin from the added wallet.

On Wallet Details page, tap on "Switch address type" to switch between "SegWit" and "Legacy".

  • Legacy addresses: start with the number "1", most commonly used addresses

  • SegWit P2SH addresses: start with the number "3", support more functions

Create and Select Bitcoin Subaddress

On Wallet Details page, tap on "Wallet address" to open Wallet address page. Tap on "+New" to create new Bitcoin subaddress. Tap on address to select it as sending and receiving address.

ONTO only refresh balance of the first 10 SegWit addresss and 10 Legacy addresses of each Bitcoin wallet.

After selecting Bitcoin subaddress, open Receive BTC page, tap on "Switch address" and then tap on "Subaddress" to receive BTC with the selected subaddress.

Last updated